Reflections of Infamy

Reflections of Infamy
Before I get started, I should make a note of how I've spent the last month or so. I started by rewriting about fifteen pages of comedy in my Come Out to Show Them blog, which took about two weeks. Then I spent the last week rewriting another ten pages or so about the Civil War. Oh yes, and I rewrote an instrumental work that was used as a soundtrack on a big movie that stole my comedy. So that's another twenty-five pages of my heart restored to their original condition after being torn to bits by those bastards on TV. We'll add that to the twenty pages of poetry for the Host and another sixty-four pages of poetry from the Octiverse. My We're All Dying blog shows another forty or fifty pages of rewritten comedy and cartoons. And I also probably rewrote the other five shows in January, to fill in the last year or so. In other words, I'm still spending most of my time undoing their fraud - instead of living my life. If anyone deserves to be publicly bludgeoned with a crowbar and used as a trampoline afterwards, it's them.

Corporations want to be treated as persons under the law, and that's why I think it is fair to include them as personal offenders in my Copyright Issues page. The nauseating hate that must lie behind their crooked campaign against an author like myself is obvious, though it probably eludes them, since they live in a perpetual state of self-deceit, in order to remain free of any disturbing issues of conscience. Were they capable of recognizing this hate, they might also know precisely what they hate about me. I think it has to do with their reflection in the mirror, when they fail to distort it. At such times, they find that it too closely resembles my depiction of them, and they hold it against me.

Telus always wants people to think of them as a nice, fuzzy friend. Is this the same Telus whose modem was the Grand Central Station of web fraud in 2007? Is this the same Telus that barred me from my email and made me open a new account in 2008? The same that took one of my songs and used it for their TV commercial about how friendly they are? That's why I think of barracudas when I think of Telus. And they hate to admit that I'm right.

How about the music labels? They're corporations. They want to party, but what does that mean? I know better than most, and it's not very appealing. No, it's rather revolting, if you ask me. Anyone who wants to turn my music into a big, smelly orgy for brainless frauds is going to produce some unforgettably disgusting results, and be hung with the appearance of a pervert.

Then there are the broadcasting corporations. They try to project an appearance of decency and wholesomeness, but what are they really up to? I only caught a glimpse of it when they came to perform their ceremony in front of my building in the middle of the night, and I didn't know who it was at the time. It looked like some kind of evil ritual, with my poetry being used for incantations. Since then, the more I want to trust a star, the more I fear them.

And what kind of creature attaches itself to a host and draws sustenance there without returning anything? Not a very nice one, and that's what people who need my music to be cool or need my comedy to be funny look like to me. I see them in no other way.

When I say that Telus is a barracuda and that WEA is a pervert and that NBC is a witch and that Saturday Night Live and Blue Rodeo are parasites, I might sound like I'm just hurling nasty names, but the dirty corporations involved in this crime know I'm telling the truth. I show them themselves and they hate me for it.

5:27pm But the names shouldn't end there. These people are also assassins. I flinched when I saw a van from the cable company yesterday, the cable company that owes me about a hundred million dollars in authoring royalties and leaves me unpaid. I half expected someone to jump out the back with a machine gun and open fire on me in the street. It's a normal reaction to their cable abuse, I'm sure. Their stars are assassins, too, just like John Wilkes Booth, who I discussed in the Civil States.

Back in ancient Rome, they had a name for people who burned down libraries and smashed statues: barbarians. Barbarians don't understand the importance of culture and have no respect for beauty. They would lead the whole world into a new Dark Ages just to make a few extra dollars for themselves. How were those stars going to inspire the next generation of poets when they were lying about writing my poems? Barbarians don't care about such talent and truth. They have a much lower standard of living than the rest of us.

Why can't someone musical take over the music business? Anyone who'd produce a billboard slogan as stupid as that one that talks about musicians wanting to get paid, is no musician. Musicians make music and the honest ones don't count on money. The dishonest ones are not real musicians and we don't need their stupid opinions stated. No one would pay a painter who didn't know how to paint. Why do we pay talent hating corporations for music when they know nothing about their product and care even less? That's bad business.

That these corporations are also liars and lawbreakers should be implied by everything else I've said down to here. I wish they could plaster their bus stops with truth like this for a change.
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