
Showing posts from April, 2018

Developmental Fatigue

Developmental Fatigue I've been developing that Civil War post, the Civil States , a lot since last Sunday. When I first posted its initial few paragraphs, I think someone might have wanted you to think that they had developed everything else that ended up on the page to the present. But didn't I just share five whole comedy scripts, each complete with commercial spots, that had all been plagiarized from top to bottom by these people just before I started working on this Civil War post? What did they develop out of all that? They don't develop my work, they plagiarize my work. Why must it be such a constant struggle for me to drive this home? They developed nothing from my work but a big fat paycheck from the industry for stealing it and committing fraud with it. In many cases, they are wholly dependent on it to sustain their illusion of talent. Without it, they are unappealing, to say the least. I always start with my own ideas and develop them over

Sucking in Their Seventies

Sucking in Their Seventies I think I've now restored my post the Civil States to its original volume after working on it all week. It takes time to produce work like that. That's why the author should get paid for it, and not some lying jerk in his place. If only I didn't have to argue so much with broadcasters on this point. I said I'd report it here whenever I see an offender from my Copyright Issues page receiving support. Today I had the misfortune of seeing the Rolling Stones logo on something in the street. I find this image as offensive as a Jew would a swastika. I don't even know how much that band stole from me. More than one song, that's for sure. Has anyone been hearing them on the classic rock station? Ever wonder how they can stay on the radio after their crime? Maybe because they own the station. They sure have enough money, and they would have an interest in owning a chain of classic rock stations. What station did Madonn

How Am I Supposed to Live?

How Am I Supposed to Live? Well, it's a beautiful day out there, but I have to be in here to talk about the bitch I got stuck listening to on the radio again. Boy, it just ruins my whole day when I have to listen to the radio drumming up support for stars who commit crimes against me. The broadcasters want us all to cheer for Madonna and the Rolling Stones and then they want you to blame me for not being more successful. It's quite fascinating to see how they have created such a casual attitude among their followers about crimes with my work. By supporting so many fraud stars with my music and comedy, they have everyone regarding me as one whose rights as a human being are up for debate. I wonder if I'll ever have to say so out loud in court, with half the planetary population as my witness. Is Madonna respected? Is Blue Rodeo respected? Where do they live? Not in any place like the one I've had for six years now. Mine is more the kind of place tha

Throw Her Back Inside

Throw Her Back Inside I thought I'd start keeping a record of each time I am offended by a fraud or supporter of fraud on the radio or TV. We'll start with this morning's very poor choice of a Madonna song on the pop station. Madonna went to prison . And you don't go to prison for nothing. She's a real vicious little whore who helped those frauds steal my property and who almost murdered me when I worked on her show in 2008. And the only people more vicious than her are the local media who want her to trample her fraud victim now, after she was already locked up and punished for her indecent assault on me in 2008. Broadcasters, keep your fraud filth away from me if you want to avoid these kinds of responses from me. I'll keep this blog ongoing. You truly disgust me. Back to my readers, who do you think Madonna's friends are? How about all the stars in my Copyright Issues page? There's enough people there for a nice crowd of worsh