Developmental Fatigue
Developmental Fatigue I've been developing that Civil War post, the Civil States , a lot since last Sunday. When I first posted its initial few paragraphs, I think someone might have wanted you to think that they had developed everything else that ended up on the page to the present. But didn't I just share five whole comedy scripts, each complete with commercial spots, that had all been plagiarized from top to bottom by these people just before I started working on this Civil War post? What did they develop out of all that? They don't develop my work, they plagiarize my work. Why must it be such a constant struggle for me to drive this home? They developed nothing from my work but a big fat paycheck from the industry for stealing it and committing fraud with it. In many cases, they are wholly dependent on it to sustain their illusion of talent. Without it, they are unappealing, to say the least. I always start with my own ideas and develop them over...