How Am I Supposed to Live?

How Am I Supposed to Live?
Well, it's a beautiful day out there, but I have to be in here to talk about the bitch I got stuck listening to on the radio again. Boy, it just ruins my whole day when I have to listen to the radio drumming up support for stars who commit crimes against me. The broadcasters want us all to cheer for Madonna and the Rolling Stones and then they want you to blame me for not being more successful. It's quite fascinating to see how they have created such a casual attitude among their followers about crimes with my work. By supporting so many fraud stars with my music and comedy, they have everyone regarding me as one whose rights as a human being are up for debate. I wonder if I'll ever have to say so out loud in court, with half the planetary population as my witness.

Is Madonna respected? Is Blue Rodeo respected? Where do they live? Not in any place like the one I've had for six years now. Mine is more the kind of place that makes you disrespected, even if you are quite innocent. But it's all I have to show that I've not once been arrested or incarcerated on any of the dozens of times I've been accused of it in the last six years. Whenever that stops, I'm sure the respect will follow shortly.

When they have everyone cheering for bands and comedians that assault me, it makes it a lot harder for me to make money with my music and comedy. And I can't look for a job when people are always going around lying, saying that I just got out of jail. So maybe that's a big reason why I'm stuck on the public payroll. First they get you all to pay them for my work, then they leave you to support their broken victim with disability checks.

I keep meaning to say more about Blue Rodeo when I come here and I always forget. First of all, their fraud with my music was extensive. It far exceeds the few songs I have listed along their name in my Copyright Issues page. I was on my way to visit a lawyer here, in January of last year, when I was taunted with sex grunts by girls from the school down the road. This happened precisely when Blue Rodeo were here for their show at the Queen Elizabeth, and I was trying to tell everyone, in my the Unmentionables blog, that they had stolen my music. I hadn't yet rewritten Mischief, but I recognized both versions of It Makes Me Wonder as mine and reclaimed the second one. The message I got at the time was that the band was still loved, in spite of this. And how did that concert turn out? Was it later than expected? Was it disappointing in any way? Are Blue Rodeo still loved? I must also complain that this band, besides apparently telling children lies about me and stealing my music, also stole at least one of my poems, called the Creed, an amusing one and pointed one, as I recall. Am I going to be the only one who thinks they're creeps now? I hope not. And I wouldn't be so sure about any well written new hits that come out on the radio, as long as the radio hides fraud prosecutions of its stars. They might not be nearly as new as you think, only you must first wait for me to inadvertently rewrite them.
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