The Netherwork: Scene of a Crime

The Netherwork: Scene of a Crime
(A bank. A production crew organizes a dramatization.)

Manager: It's a thrill to have your cameras here.

Director: We like to get our shots as realistic as possible. Now, listen up! The gunmen held the customers in a crossfire between the counter and the exit. (Masked men holding assault rifles shift into position.) Does that look right?

Manager: Yes, and they ordered everyone to lie on their stomachs.

Director: Down on your bellies, everyone! (Everyone drops to the floor.) What about you?

Manager: Me? No, one of them threw his arm around my neck and held a gun to my head as he accompanied me to the vault.

Director: You heard the man! Let's go! Let's go! (A thug comes up behind the bank manager and efficiently performs the required deed, taking his quarry by surprise. The director follows them with a camera until they all stand in front of the vault.) And then what did they do? How did they make you open the vault? (Silence.) Did they pistol whip you? (The manager is terrified.) Only one way to find out. Let him have it. (The thug raises his pistol when the manager breaks down.)

Manager: Wait! I'll open it! (He applies the combination code and pulls the heavy door open.)

Director: Yes, I can see this happening. (The masked robbers fill duffel bags with loot and file out through the front door, followed by the director. Outside, they jump straight into the open back doors of an idling van and escape. Once clear of the scene, the director peels off a clever makeup job.)
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© 2007, 2018. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.


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