Who Has Minions?

Who Has Minions?
Have the media owned up to their stars' crimes yet? You should get on their case about it while you still have some pathways to pleasure in your brain that haven't been crippled by crime. Complain to the government, too. The government and the media are closely related, as you can tell at election time. If the media is corrupt, it points to government corruption.

Do you all know what minions are? They're kind of like slaves. They tend to huddle together in large groups and all wear black t-shirts. And one of them has green hair. They are the servile followers of powerful people, like stars and slum lords. For instance, Madonna and U2 had minions doing their bidding in 2008, though those stars kept a safe distance from me, even when I worked at their shows. Such stars have always feared me. At that time and ever since, I've observed that their minions, like the mini mini minions of scab labour outfits like Nasco (or whatever they call themselves now) will do anything they are commanded to do, no matter how irrational.

That slum lord never leaves home without his minions. They stood alongside him when he visited my apartment in 2008 - probably to case the place for a break-in to steal my disk with my work on it. They accompanied him in his limousine in 2012, too, as he spread all the filthy lies a local fraud needed to legitimize her claim to one of my popular new songs from that year. And, of course, the minions of stars who stole my things have kept up a very persistent assault on me, which I have been reporting online for the last eight years.

Back to my post counting. I'm moving on to my poems index today.

11:21am. 181 poems here, so far, with 129 restored from the past. Some of them are twenty pages long. This is the kind of thing that makes it so hard for me to quit smoking.

Thank you, Google, for removing that horrible thing they piled onto my - VIEWERS, IF MY SLIDESHOW DOESN'T WORK FROM THIS PAGE LINK, PLEASE INFORM THE POLICE - Chronology of Recordings the other day. My code must be good to still shuffle the videos when it was like that. Those monkeys only know how to throw a monkey wrench into a machine with moving parts, eh? And they think it makes them my technical superior. Maybe it's the adverse influence of so many corrupt stars.

3:47pm. I'm back to count my lyrics. On the way here, I had some more thoughts about that video post from yesterday, Star Alight, Star Right. I think my main problem with actors is that they imitate. I know it's a valid art, but it is an imitative one. I'm an artist. An artist is very concerned with originality. The last thing a good artist wants to do is imitate. So could someone explain to the CBC and their media comrades that it is wrong for an artist who struggles to produce original work to be mistaken as someone who wants to imitate a Hollywood star? In a dispute between an artist and an actor, the artist should get more of the benefit of the doubt because the artist doesn't want to imitate. And you could also tell them that Mike Myers is an ape. And tell them that Tina Fey is a parrot. Tell them that I don't deserve to be so insulted all the time for my original work.

I found out about someone being imprisoned this afternoon. The slum lord again? How many times has he been incarcerated on my account in the last eleven years? He gets out and waves his cash around and he's right back in business.

4:48pm. JavaScript makes my current musical songs total 183. I make my previously shared total: 94. That would still leave a lot of songs to be rewritten, since my total songs in late '07 was about 200. I hope such leftovers suck, or they could be causing me a lot of harm on the radio right now.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.


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