Facebook Crime Starts on TV

Facebook Crime Starts on TV
I should post a statement after that last round of comedy scripts: Netherwork/Metal Clash Values, Netherwork/Flush with Enthusiasm, the Fuehrerbummer, Netherwork/Grounds for Dismissal, How to Beat a Wehrmacht General at Chess, Netherwork/Extra Punishing, Netherwork/Pure Mishap, and Modern Modesty/Music. There might be some confusion about my copyright ownership of these scripts.

I guess big networks like NBC want to make a mockery of copyright ownership. I recall Ellen getting a big cheer from her studio audience when she crushed that general's chess piece with a hammer. Did they think that was cool? Why didn't they think I was cool when I wrote it? And a couple of those vestal virgins who appeared in that sketch Jay Leno stole from me looked like they were from another NBC show. And they were not good looking, as I called for in my script. Maybe NBC needs to confuse everyone as much as possible about copyright ownership when they're plagiarizing a web author like myself.

God damn ugly bitches on TV had to try to hide their ugliness behind my beauty. Well, their mask is even uglier than they are. This wouldn't happen if the industry respected talent more, rather than trying to accomplish everything with fraud and bullshit appearances. And Ellen needed to pretend she had my dick to try to score with the straight women. How revolting.

As I said on YouTube, I write 'things I feel strongly about.' I write more with my heart than my brain. My heart senses network evil and then I find myself turning to comedy to help me share an unpleasant truth. And then what happens to that truth? Networks plagiarize it to give their filthy fraud stars an appearance of sincerity. And then they make their fraud victim suffer for eleven years, trying to undo their lies with his work.

I saw something on the news while in the waiting room today. It looked like some kind of crime involving Facebook. I saw the cops with their nightsticks and I recalled the time I was approached by a recruitment officer for the Vancouver Police. It was shortly after one of my brothers applied to be a cop and was rejected, around 2004. I don't know why they wanted me, but I politely declined. Now I wish I'd accepted the offer, so I could have had more personal involvement with the arrests and incarcerations of those who violated my image and copyright.

Here's another thought. I don't know why a hand holding couple would want to get in front of me on the sidewalk, with one of them holding up his flipped open cellphone for both of them to share as I walk past them, but it gives me the creeps. I can't do anything about this kind of activity around the world, but I would like to control my immediate environment a little better if I can.

So, if there's something spreading around about me outside of Blogger or YouTube, always remember, as I have stated many previous times, that I have no intention of opening a Facebook account or any other web account outside Google. Only if Facebook paid me millions of dollars up front would I consider opening an account with them. I only use the web to post and I do my authoring at home. My browsing is limited to Blogger and YouTube for these purposes and I fetch my images with Google image searches. I visit no chat rooms and and have posted no comments on other people's web pages since perhaps 2008. I rarely visit my email account. And I plan to open my own website one day, at which time I won't even need Google anymore. The only place you'll ever find me on the web is here or my YouTube account.

If I got that news story right, even without the sound playing, I think a comment is due around television's role in internet crimes. Certain networks' support for prolific fraud may have encouraged others to gain network favour by committing similar crimes. I doubt they'd ever admit this fact on their news broadcasts.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.


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