The Netherwork: Fitness Craze

The Netherwork: Fitness Craze
I don't know how long it will take to write a new one with this theme. There are so many angles I've already been forced to explore.

(A middle aged woman sits behind a desk in a plush office adjoined to a photo studio by a marked door. The door opens and out steps a stunning model in a bikini and pumps, with a small dragon lightly tattooed across her ankle. The model goes over to a coatrack where her trench coat hangs. She dons the coat and approaches the desk.)

Model: Hey! Aren't you Gracie Mace, the fitness guru? Yes, you are! I swear, my dad and I loved your show!

Mace: (Smiling) Thank you. Please sign here for your cheque. (She holds out a document. The model leans forward and signs where indicated. The other then pulls off a paycheque along a perforated line and hands it over.) Now remember that you've relinquished all rights to these photos. Their mine now.

Model: That's all right. I don't need them. Bye, Miss Mace. Nice meeting you. (Exit model, pocketing the cheque.)

(A TV talk show.)

Host: And here tonight, to show us that she's just as much of a knockout as ever, my dear old friend, Gracie Mace! (Applause. The host rises and greets Mace warmly, ushering her to the guest chair. He picks up a magazine and holds it up.) And by the look of your photo spread in Femme, you've kept that great body of yours in tip-top condition! (He puts down the magazine.) Are you ready for the slide show? (Mace smiles and nods, and the screen is filled with a picture of her smiling face crudely grafted onto the young swimsuit model's body.) So, when did you get the tattoo?
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© 2007, 2018. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.


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