The Netherwork: Metal Clash Values

The Netherwork: Metal Clash Values
Hopefully now you can see why I thought networks were so evil when I wrote this script eleven years ago.

(A ring. Two gladiators engage in mortal combat. Gladiator 1 is armed with a shield and broadsword. Gladiator 2 has a net and trident. After a fierce exchange of clanks, 1 adroitly scores a slashing blow to 2's thigh, drawing blood. 2 recovers, limping, and tries to hold the other back with his trident. Ducking, 1 rushes in and brings his sword down hard on 2's collar. Blood spurts out and 2 drops his net to cover the wound with his hand, still poking away desperately with his trident. 1 falls flat to his stomach, rolls under the trident, gets up and sweeps his sword across 2's bare knees. 2 collapses, howling in agony. 1 puts his foot on the neck of his opponent and looks over to the president, sitting in a box seat. The president stands, raises his arm and lowers his thumb. At that, 1 plunges his sword into 2's heart, inciting wild cheers. 2 dies. Stretcher bearers show up and remove the body. As the crowd departs, the president descends to congratulate the champion. He steps onto the ring and slips on the pool of 2's blood, but recovers his posture.)

President: (Shaking victor's hand) Well done! You're our new Saturday morning children's host!
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