Networks Are Pussies

Networks Are Pussies
Just need to make another important statement. Yes, these statements are important because they pertain to events which were shared by millions and millions of people around the world. My statement today is probably more important than whatever they're passing off to you as news right now. And as long as I have all of your attention, I would like to start by telling you that broadcasters are a bunch of pussies.

Has everyone reviewed my Netherwork series so far? Netherwork/Metal Clash Values, Netherwork/Flush with Enthusiasm, Netherwork/Grounds for Dismissal, Netherwork/Extra Punishing, and Netherwork/Pure Mishap. I first shared them in 2007, to help me vent my anger over the regular abuse of my copyright by networks like NBC. And where did you see them? Did they include everything I wrote? Did they make full mention of network executives and network schools and network bathrooms? Why was the guy in the bathroom on the network version? Was it because it was the bathroom of a network snob, like it was supposed to be? I doubt it. Because networks are pussies. They can't take a little ribbing from an outside talent like myself. All they know how to do is imitate me like a monkey - and do a poor job of it!

Hey, networks? You're pussies! How's your cardiologist? Has his memory returned to him yet? Does he recall that it was a damned advertising executive who needed his mouth duck taped and not a serial killer? You didn't want to offend your sponsor with my humour, which you had no business stealing. And why don't you stay out of comedy when you make such bad decisions about it? No one thinks a duck taped serial killer is funny. It's too obvious. A duck taped advertising executive, like maybe whoever helped to sponsor all this hideous fraud with my work, is far more appealing. See how much humour you cost when you get involved?

About Smellin, did she make mention of her sources in that script about the Wehrmacht general? I doubt it, since she wanted everyone to think that she wrote it. I didn't care so much about that, eh? I'm more secure about my talent, I guess. And when it comes to my talent, I'd rather not use it to make my world worse. I find shows like Ellen's painful and I would do nothing to help them stay on the air. I think they only get broadcast to punish out-of-work males. Whatever she got from me, she got illegally. And they kept her on the air in 2014, after she was arrested for stealing my Sappho Asparagus, which I first wrote to lampoon her in 2007. Nice people. She steals other poems she can't write, too, like the Widower.

I've been focusing on literature, but how's the music scene? Are there still bad bands or performers out there with inexplicably good songs? Sorry, I can only do one thing at a time. But at least I love my work, which is a lot more than I can say for any of these fools who stole it.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.


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