Attention Police

Attention Police
I learned a few musical facts yesterday after I posted Simper. There's a band called 'Groof', I think, which is what I've been hearing so much lately. Yesterday I learned that their crowd walked out on them. A musician there said that 'they stink worse than us'. (If he feels that way about them, he's probably good.) Oh, yes, and someone said that I must move. Not the first time I've had that advice. Oh, and the women were calling him Fonzie. He only looks that cool with my music.

There's this guy here who they let be a big star with my music for a few years, at which time he established strong ties with his production crew. Now he sits around and rehearses my music while I live my real life in front of you. He waits until I am bogged down with an online task, as I have been with my scripts here, and then he tries to take my music on the road. When people like this leave the region, they always take my music with them, counting on its popularity to bring them all my success before I can have it.

This next part is especially for the locals. When people outside the region see someone else with my music, they check back here to see what happened to me. That's why this offender's local support group has to spread the filthiest lies they can come up with about me, to legitimize his claim to my music abroad. As a result, the local population has heard a lot of terrible things said about me over the years.

I was told yesterday that I was going to have to 'sign his dick' to make him stop. If it's who I think it is, his dick has already been signed twice. I think it's just going to be up to crowds to walk out on him. Let me thank that crowd for showing such good judgement. I always thought people were decent if given a fair chance.

11:05am: I needed to come back to say a few more words about all this latest round of crimes against my music and image. Firstly, how is Simper doing? Anyone done anything to it on YouTube? Can YouTube check on this right now for me? I needed to ask because yesterday I heard about someone taking Easy and taking Decent and taking Ugly and those are all my songs. Does he still have them, YouTube? Because my searches never show anything when I'm checking for violations. I only every hear about them from informants.

About that rough looking character who just saw me on his way out and said 'fucking die!' to me as he passed me. Do any of you out there know him? Why does he know me? Does he not like my music? Or does he like my music better when Dean sings it to him in a shared jail cell? Let me tell you a little more about Dean because I know the details of his prosecution and punishment extremely well. It was practically handed to me in full paragraphs, but I am too much of a gentleman to share it all. Let me just say that if I had been forced to acts of such grotesque abasement as he was in his cell, I could never look another human being in the eye again. In his case, he can. This is because there is no humanity behind his eye, just a primitive predatory jungle urge. He is a monster who has learned nothing but dirty tricks from his experience as a star. Do you think his choice of 'Groof' for a name of an act that robs my music was at random? Look at my posts from the last few days, before I finally found out what that word meant. Look how tortured it made me. Listen to my tortured voice in Simper. Dean would be dead if I'd played along with Dateline in 2011. Remember how they interviewed him in prison? See the price they make me pay for not supporting their network evil?

About the GODDAMN PIRATE STATION, everyone knows they're a pirate station, at least, everyone outside their hapless region. When are they going to hoist the Jolly Rogers and get it over with? I think we need to send a couple of frigates over there now and make them all walk the plank from a tenth floor window ledge. And how about their workers? They're griping about not being able to enjoy the same standard of living as when Dean was the star of my music. That's when they used to get free crack and blowjobs. They feel entitled to punish me for losing these perks, and they think you should be on their side against me.

About meaningless phrases, 'your duck is sick', 'you're ungooth[?]', they usually indicate some sort of crime against my reputation. They still carry a meaning for me, even if I don't fully get them. For instance, I know that it's bad if my duck is sick. I don't want that. I want my duck well. I want him brightly feathered and happily quacking in his pond.

About repeating phrases, they are almost always caused by a repeat violations of my copyright on a pirate radio station or an irresponsible website.

About my new song, Simper, which this latest offender didn't plan for in his tour, what if he tried to steal it now and was found dead soon after? Should I have any grief? On the contrary, I would be glad because he wanted his lies about my dick on my own tombstone.

1:17pm: The things I would hear back in 2010, 2011, and 2012 were a lot more supportive. In fact, it was all good back then. No insults, just nice things. And my recordings weren't even that good back then. Funny how it seems to be turning out backwards for me with my public support. They loved me when my recordings were bad and they seem indifferent to me now that my recordings are good. But maybe it's because I have to fight some band like Nickleback or Blue Rodeo for my good recordings, half the time, and it ruins the appeal they might otherwise have.

Still, it was nice to hear something normal for a few minutes, at least, shortly after I posted my song to YouTube yesterday. Normal remarks are better than what I might get from a crew of corrupt production workers who have my home surrounded and spend all their time focusing their hate on me. Funny how police give no thought to the hazards posed to fraud victims by their assailants living in close proximity like that. You'd almost think they wanted me to suffer.
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