Arrest Rosie O'Donnell

Arrest Rosie O'Donnell

8:51pm July 23, 2018. I just recorded the lines running across the above video demanding Rosie O'Donnell's arrest. It must be popular. I'll put it in my Library Visits video for tomorrow.

Does anyone recall my online protest of the Iraq War, from 2002 to 2008? I wrote volumes of protest, enough to fill a whole documentary. And do you know what memory just returned to me last night, while I was experiencing the effects of some kind of crime party held for my lawbreaking enemies? I recalled Rosie O'Donnell plagiarizing my protest for a TV interview at an anti-war rally in 2007! I had recently shared a rather astute observation online, one of which I was rather proud. Sorry, I don't clearly recall it now. I just recall seeing this well worded thought coming out of the mouth of Rosie O'Donnell on TV a short time later. I said out loud to myself, 'her friends steal all my sketches and then she steals my protest!'

I am doubtful as to whether Rosie O'Donnell is capable of authoring my most astute observations. It's clear to me that she doesn't care about the Iraq War as anything other than a way to make money. She is not a critic of the establishment, but its cringing adherent, doing the evil bidding of her corrupt corporate masters. People who author such thoughts as she stole from me are treated brutally by the establishment, as I've shared my experience through this whole account; but look at her on TV, chatting serenely with a news reporter. This is because culpable establishment members support her plagiarism, in order to brutalize me, the real author of her stolen words, while appearing 'magnanimous' and 'tolerant' to the public.

I'm adding her name to my Copyright Issues page today, and I must insist that you follow through at once and arrest her. I'm quite certain that she will confess under intense interrogation. Once you gather the full extent of her crime, she should be incarcerated and punished. Her film, Shock and Awe, should be confiscated now, before it has any more time to multiply like a virus onto DVD's. No wonder it was unavailable in Canada. If you do not arrest her now, I will be forced to acquire a copy of this film so that I can restore its narration to my account, after which I will demand that you arrest her again. Since the Iraq War is not likely to repeat, I can think of no other way to recover these lost posts for this important purpose.

3:43pm. I'm in the library where I can check for violations of my video. Have I received a sudden bump in my views from that? Did some skulking industry spy inform the page 'humpers' that I was on my way here with my video camera? Too bad I can't stay all day and get a fair count on my page, otherwise, the media will tell everyone O'Donnell didn't know about my accusation this morning and point to the false readout of their views counter as evidence.

But I know I'm not in jail right now. And I know that, if I was a big public figure like her, I'd have the cops all over anyone publicly accusing me of plagiarizing my content. But, of course, I know that I write my own work. She, on the other hand, knows that I wrote hers. All the same, one of us is going to jail over this, because when you get caught committing fraud, you go to jail, no matter who you are. Don't ask the media who that person is. They'd rather talk about something else, I'm sure. And I know that I don't have to remember my work to have a fraud busted and incarcerated for stealing from me. Look at what I used to bust Beyonce in 2014, when I couldn't recall the lyrics to the song she took. It was more than sufficient to get her locked up.

You media are really looking bad now. You have my neighbours telling me that Rosie O'Donnell is bigger than I am with a film plagiarized from my old blogs, and that's after you made them humiliate me with all those other plagiarizing performers in my Copyright Issues page. What contingency plan did you have for this outcome today? Maybe you should just lobotomize all your viewers and get it over with.

4:34pm. And authorities, the next time you have those naughty media rounded up for punishment, can you ask them about their SUBLIMINAL HATE CAMPAIGN? It's effects are quite obvious to me. It is clear that these innocent viewers have been penetrated through their retinas straight through to the backs of their brains, where their hate programming is out of conscious reach. I'm serious: I want this stopped.
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