Who Stole My Blog Views?

Who Stole My Blog Views?

11:46am. Does anyone know about a couple of thieves who've been masquerading as stars with stolen page views? One of them is male and, from stealing my views over the last month or so, his views were inflated by as much as twice as what he would get from a front page ad on YouTube. The other was female and has been gathering all the views for my song Free since July 4th, 2018. Are they in jail or prison yet?

The second post from above was done right here in the public library, immediately before I typed this. Sorry if I missed the time on the computer. I think it shows that someone else has been receiving all the views for my blogs for possibly as long as twelve hours since yesterday. Is that what happens when they put thieves on the front page of YouTube instead of in jail? Maybe we should try incarcerating them - and finding out who is so sympathetic to them on YouTube.

There is something I would like to tell these thieves: I am more famous than you. No one really cares about you. You can struggle to make a 'professional' video, but all you really have to say is, 'worship me because I'm a star'. I, on the other hand, as one who can discuss my works as expressions of thoughts and feelings entirely disconnected from my ambition for success, could post a video of myself picking my nose and I would still rack up higher numbers than you ever could. My fame is not artificial, and that's why I will outlast your pathetic crime. When I do, you better not be around anywhere where I can demonstrate this fact.

12:28pm. I want my blog views returned to all affected URL's at once. I'm back to check on my posts again, like I can't do at night, thanks to Telus being such a monstrous internet service provider that I can't trust them with my home connection. Every time a passer-by insults me, as earlier today, when a strange woman wanted to laugh like a seal for her boyfriend at seeing my face, I can ultimately blame it on this irresponsible communications giant. This has happened enough times in the last eleven years to kill me ten times over. But America is a land of equal opportunity, and when I equalize with some of these giants, they're in for the fight of their lives. I fight to the death for my honour, which they have taken so lightly in their endless treachery, and they'll drop dead at my feet before I can even raise my fist.

I want to ask the forty-sixth Vice President of the United States how he explains this crime against my soul to his God. Is he a Christian or not? Are we praying for our enemies to the same Lord at night? Does his Lord tell him it's okay to tell lies to the world with so many works of my heart? Because my Lord came to me when I was still pagan, barely out of my atheism, and told me that He was deeply offended by all the love being handed out to frauds for stealing my things. I want to share my faith with other Christians, but I need them to agree with me that stealing my work is wrong first. And I need them to agree with me that contradicting my truth with commercially supported lies is wrong. I've admitted that my opposition to the Iraq War was poorly informed, haven't I? The only reason it came up again was to silence a criminal detractor's fan when he wanted to wave her fraud success in my face.

About being called crazy for my religion again, I answered it in my appropriate area, Coats from the Lost and Found, which chronicles my Christian experience since 2010.

2:34pm. I corrected an error in my link to my song Ugly in my 2011 (Part 3) Chronology of Recordings. I left out the 'https/' by accident. Sorry. it's fixed now. I sure go crazy when I see my page malfunctioning now. You can't blame me.

5:06pm. As a final note to today's posts, if you made it all the way down to here, I'd like to offer instruction on how to report certain YouTube videos which are posted to cause confusion about the author. When you catch someone imitating me precisely in a serious video like the one I made two days ago, calling for Rosie O'Donnell's arrest, you must report that as an impersonation of someone you know. It's a very serious crime and they'll get spanked hard in jail for it. I'd really appreciate it because I seem to have my hands full just trying to hang onto my page views here. I'll return once more to post my daily library visit. It was a hot one today, but I managed, with effort, to keep my lens off the ladies.

7:11pm. Yes, I can post directly from my camera (above) to show the shoddy police protection that's hopefully captured the interest of a more than a few brave and profit seeking lawyers out there.

8:26pm. Rough day again. I posted the very next assault in the other page I wrote today. That makes at least three for today, most of them after I put my library visit together. Are we sure that life is worth living in this two-dimensional universe that they want to make out of a real man's life work?
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