
Showing posts from July, 2018

I Want Justice

I Want Justice 4:36pm. People, please start inquiring about these 'hot new stars' that the broadcasters want you to like. After linking to my record of assaults from here, below at 4:19pm, I recorded an immediate ASSAULT on ALL OF MY VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE with my video camera FOR LAWYERS. THAT'S A LOT TO STEAL FROM AN ARTIST EVERY DAY, ISN'T IT? 297 VIDEOS??? HEY, CROOKED BROADCASTERS, IS IT UNPROFESSIONAL OF ME TO SAY THAT YOUR STARS ARE AS GREEDY AS THEY ARE UNTALENTED? WHY DO THEY NEED TO ASSAULT MY PAGE WHEN I DON'T EVEN BROWSE THE WEB? 4:19pm. Just finished copying all the posts to this account for my offline file structure. Seeing those old sketches, like the Amnesia Machine , makes me wonder if CBC and the media have been trying to confuse you about who wrote my comedy again. And are they resorting to the same repulsive shit who appeared in this sketch with his homely idols on Saturday Night Jive in 2007? Did I see that fucking felon&#

Speaking of Crime

Speaking of Crime 7:16pm. I think I've shown enough daily evidence of these assaults with my camera. I'm just going to post mention of recording future violations with my camera for a good lawyer. I need a good lawyer, who is not afraid to call out the executives for their involvement in this crime. Maybe you all find them respectable, but I only see them as thugs. I think these thugs have risen high in our capitalist society, which is a mark of failure. Thugs want to make a print of Van Gogh's Sunflowers and tell you it's more valuable than the original because its on their wall. Thugs want mothers to comfort children with rhymes at night that were plagiarized to bring harm on the author. Thugs want to turn everyone into senseless thugs like themselves, and they just need a human like me to steal their words from. A good lawyer would know very well about the impact of this damage to my intellectual property on my brain. They can see how the crimina

Exposed with a Click

Exposed with a Click 5:10pm: As mentioned in my description on YouTube, at the CBC sign, in the below video, I say: 'one of these trusted news figures may be involved in a frame job with fishnet stockings.' 3:25pm. I've repaired an apparent error in my below link code to my live music chronology , where I continually find indications of click activated views gouging. I'm going to check it now. Sorry for the technical error - if it's my fault. Thank you, YouTube, for compressing the last two years of my videos into less than two gigabytes. My home computer loves you. 1:51pm. Clicked on my live music chronology enough times to bring the line across the photo in my profile on the side again. This was the problem I recorded for you yesterday. I just showed the time, date, and computer I was on today, with my camera, when IT HAPPENED AGAIN. What little these assailants must think of me, committing this crime in front of my eyes, dismissing

Instant Assault

Instant Assault 7:32pm. Hope I can proceed with my recording in peace after posting the following video. 1:34pm. Posted the following video, showing some clips of the earlier attacks on my web pages and talking about my blog's file structure. 10:51am. Didn't make it through my slideshow without my PROFILE PORTRAIT GETTING CROSSED OUT. WHO'S GETTING ALL MY PROFILE VIEWS AND CALLING THEMSELVES A STAR? GUESS I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL HE'S FINISHED STEALING FROM ME FOR THE DAY, RIGHT, TELUS AND SHAW AND CBC? I MUST GO HOME AND WAIT FOR YOUR PSYCHOPATHS TO GOUGE THEIR POPULARITY OUT OF MY WEB PAGES FOR THE DAY, SO THEY CAN SAY THEY'RE MORE POPULAR THAN ME WITH MY OWN VIEWS. 10:49am. I've reported the hacking assault with my URL to Google. I'm trying the page again. 10:44am. FIRST CLICK ON THE SLIDESHOW CAUSED MY PROFILE PORTRAIT TO BE CROSSED OUT. CAN SOMEONE FIX THIS PLEASE? 10:42am. NOW I LOST THE PORTRAIT AGAIN. 10:40am. NOW WHY

Anti Matter

Anti Matter 6:09pm: 4:40pm. I made a full video accounting of the videos on my page getting raped FOR THE LAST FIVE MINUTES OR SO, here on computer 1235 at my local branch. This time it looks like they left my portrait untouched and just focused on the videos. Where are the authorities when this happens every day? 2:41pm. Who are we all supposed to think is popular where David's videos have lines running across them and his profile is crossed out like a prohibition sign? Who's popular there when his account looks like that, like the way he's been describing daily over the last month or so? Is it the same ones who already went to jail and prison for committing offenses against him and his work? Or are you too young to remember that? Well, it seems to me that these techniques of raping my posts when my back is turned were first tried on me in 2007, as I assembled my first 150-song blog. I complained about it then in much the same fashion as I do now:

Land of the Rising Views

Land of the Rising Views 8:24pm. I've updated my Chronoblog to include this blog, which started in April. This directory takes you to the first page of every blog in my account in reverse chronology, all the way back to 2010. I'll have to open a new one for August. This one's full. So winds down another full day of frontal assaults recorded by my video camera, and I was wondering when the authorities were thinking of putting a stop to them. Are they waiting for a full moon? I hope it doesn't take too long. Look for signs of views skimming on my cartoon chronology , too, since I talked about it. Don't let them tell you those lines across my videos are normal; those are the lines of crime being committed against my posts . Why? To create fake stars, or the illusion of support for unpopular stars, with my page views, especially at night. 7:17pm: 5:39pm: I JUST RECORDED MORE LINES running across my videos at my Record of Assaults , Chronolog

In the Dark

In the Dark 8:17pm. (I've reorganized my earlier entries into reverse chronology.) So am I correct in guessing that one of the foiled felons had my hood? The one I lost in the hospital? What was he doing there? Moving in on a helpless victim? Now you may see the true inspiration for characters like De Bauch in my poem the Herald (Part VI, the Hounds) , closing in on their helpless prey, lost in their sadistic fantasies. 5:14pm: 4:15pm. I shot my little speech by the water today. Just a quick check here to see if I still have my profile. I want those views returned. And if you're reading, the ones who keep calling me a thief like to do it after they have stolen my identity like that. And broadcasters tend to support their crime. 3:27pm. DID ANYONE NOTICE THE BIG BLACK UGLY BAR ACROSS MY PROFILE ON MY LYRICS INDEX AT 3:27PM JUST NOW? I TOOK A RECORDING OF IT FOR MY LAWYER'S NEXT LIBRARY VISIT VIDEO! I knew I'd find something. 3:20pm. I jus

Who Stole My Blog Views?

Who Stole My Blog Views? 11:46am. Does anyone know about a couple of thieves who've been masquerading as stars with stolen page views? One of them is male and, from stealing my views over the last month or so, his views were inflated by as much as twice as what he would get from a front page ad on YouTube. The other was female and has been gathering all the views for my song Free since July 4th, 2018. Are they in jail or prison yet? The second post from above was done right here in the public library, immediately before I typed this. Sorry if I missed the time on the computer. I think it shows that someone else has been receiving all the views for my blogs for possibly as long as twelve hours since yesterday. Is that what happens when they put thieves on the front page of YouTube instead of in jail? Maybe we should try incarcerating them - and finding out who is so sympathetic to them on YouTube. There is something I would like to tell these thieves: I

Homicidal Tendency

Homicidal Tendency Glad I checked the above to catch someone humping views off the page at 6:36pm this evening - Pacific time. Notice how they hump the newest videos in my account for the views that they can't get with their feeble talent and nonexistent personalities. Anyone picking up a lot of views this afternoon since my last note on the next post? I got it on my camera. It's more popular than 'YouTube stars', I guess. Does Telus want some cutthroat asshole to have my popularity? Fuck, are they in for a legal nightmare with all this footage I'm taking. I just recorded myself flagging Rosie O'Donnell on YouTube for hateful and abusive acts against a vulnerable person. You can do the same by clicking on the end button where it says 'report'. I'll put it in my next video post. Out of concern for the well being of Scientologists, I would advise them to 'disconnect' from this busted star if they want to escape rolling a

My Comments

My Comments I'm afraid I need to put my own comments on this video to make sure they are apt. I can't trust people who submit to the brain damaging propaganda of corporate broadcasters to comment fairly on this right now. I pity them. Being forced to reject things they like must cost them a lot in their lives. More memories of Rosie's fraud movie are returning to me from eleven years ago, when she was permitted to protest the still raging war by the evil, Pentagon controlled NBC network, in order to brutalize the establishment's real critic, yours truly, with his own words. I now recall a promotion for her documentary, which featured four or five scenes that were nothing more than my blogs with pictures put to them. Did I talk about the 'shock and awe' campaign? Did I make a connection to the billion dollar pharmaceutical trade? Well, if I catch any of this online, I'll make sure to copy every word down for the record. Otherwise, the

Arrest Rosie O'Donnell

Arrest Rosie O'Donnell 8:51pm July 23, 2018. I just recorded the lines running across the above video demanding Rosie O'Donnell's arrest. It must be popular. I'll put it in my Library Visits video for tomorrow. Does anyone recall my online protest of the Iraq War, from 2002 to 2008? I wrote volumes of protest, enough to fill a whole documentary. And do you know what memory just returned to me last night, while I was experiencing the effects of some kind of crime party held for my lawbreaking enemies? I recalled Rosie O'Donnell plagiarizing my protest for a TV interview at an anti-war rally in 2007! I had recently shared a rather astute observation online, one of which I was rather proud. Sorry, I don't clearly recall it now. I just recall seeing this well worded thought coming out of the mouth of Rosie O'Donnell on TV a short time later. I said out loud to myself, 'her friends steal all my sketches and then she steals my protest!

Over the Humps

Over the Humps So, a little while ago, I asked you who's on FilthTube. Looks like they have a new gang of FilthTube stars, and you know what that means. It means they have a gang who think they're stars because they have a lot of views on their page. And where did they get their views? Do you want to know how I get my views? I get them honestly. On Independence Day, the Americans are always in a good mood. That's a good time to wish them a happy birthday, like I did on July 4th this year. And dedicating my song Free to them on this day was a way that I could join their celebration. It generated a lot of views. And who got all those views as I was reporting the video being constantly assaulted for the next two weeks? Maybe it was 'YouTube stars'. Another good way to hook people onto your page is to have a serial story going, like I did in 2016, with all my epic poems . They got a lot of views as I rewrote them, not just to see how the stories

Record of Assaults Against this Account's Author

Record of Assaults Against this Account's Author TECHNICAL NOTE: IF YOU SEE LINES RUNNING ACROSS THE VIDEOS ON THIS PAGE, IT MEANS THE PAGE HAS BEEN CRIMINALLY COMPROMISED. PLEASE INFORM GOOGLE OR THE POLICE. July 20, 2018 8:17pm. I have to leave the library now, as I'm sure my attackers know well. Could you please be on the lookout for signs of views stealing on my videos, as described in the technical note above? There may have been some such crime occurring just fifteen minutes ago , since my attackers are free to stalk me, in order to know my locations for their assaults on my posts and their silly frame jobs. I'll go home now and suffer my helpless distance from these posts of mine, which the business uses on me like torture instruments. Have a good weekend. 4:48pm: 2:56pm. I've switched to an internal link for my ding dong joke. Fuck that guy cashing in my views with his greedy commercials. 2:38pm. Who's giving the thieves perm