I Want Justice
I Want Justice 4:36pm. People, please start inquiring about these 'hot new stars' that the broadcasters want you to like. After linking to my record of assaults from here, below at 4:19pm, I recorded an immediate ASSAULT on ALL OF MY VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE with my video camera FOR LAWYERS. THAT'S A LOT TO STEAL FROM AN ARTIST EVERY DAY, ISN'T IT? 297 VIDEOS??? HEY, CROOKED BROADCASTERS, IS IT UNPROFESSIONAL OF ME TO SAY THAT YOUR STARS ARE AS GREEDY AS THEY ARE UNTALENTED? WHY DO THEY NEED TO ASSAULT MY PAGE WHEN I DON'T EVEN BROWSE THE WEB? 4:19pm. Just finished copying all the posts to this account for my offline file structure. Seeing those old sketches, like the Amnesia Machine , makes me wonder if CBC and the media have been trying to confuse you about who wrote my comedy again. And are they resorting to the same repulsive shit who appeared in this sketch with his homely idols on Saturday Night Jive in 2007? Did I see that fucking felon...